Politics, Schmolitics

It may – or more likely, may not – have escaped your notice, but up here in Scotland we’re in the midst of a referendum campaign. On September the 18th we take to the polls to decide whether or not we want to break away from the UK and go it alone. No longer under the banner of Rule Britannia, more Scotland the Brave.

And it will be brave. For us this is a massive decision. One in a lifetime doesn’t cover it, this is a decision that we, the people of Scotland, will be making on behalf of our children, our grandchildren and countless generations ahead of us.At the moment, I’m firmly on the fence. I’m excited about what the future could hold, but equally tentative that a break from the status quo could have less positive repercussions. So, why then do I feel so utterly drained at the mere mention of the word “independence”? 

Well, to put it bluntly, it has turned normal, rational, pleasant people into frothing, sanctimonious, smug arses. The latest I’ve seen today was a post with the headline “It’s not possible to be a decent person & vote no”. Apparently if you vote no then you’ll be complicit in illegal wars, Westminster corruption etc etc. Also, if you vote no you’re a Tory supporter and are actively campaigning to get Boris Johnson into number 10. In a way, I envy these people, these people who are so sure that Utopia is just an X away. They obviously cannot see that, rather than sitting at home fashioning red, white and blue rosettes, what we’re actually doing is worrying. Is independence right? Are we letting our country down? But will I still be able to give my kids the same standard of living? Oh my God, I enjoyed the feeling of togetherness during the London Olympics does this mean I’m a terrible, selfish, thoughtless person. I must want a right-wing, UKIP-led government to nuke the hell out of all the babies and the immigrants and go to war at least once a fortnight. 

This is what you’re made to feel like if you’re unsure. If you’re concerned. If you’re scared that maybe an independent Scotland won’t be the Utopian, socialist republic, awash with oil billions and governed by the government we vote for. But wait, there’s always gonna be people that don’t vote for the government that’s in power. That’s democracy. What concerns me is this notion that if we vote to leave the UK then we leave the right wing behind. The Tories and UKIP will apparently stop at the border. So, who is there to balance the political spectrum? 

The counter-argument – the No campaign – is just that. One big negative. Independence? Noooooooooooooo. But why? Nooooooooo. The Project Fear label has been bandied about, and that sums the Better Together campaign up. There seems to be very little positivity that would make you want to go that way. It’s simply a case of better the devil you know and, whilst it is pretty far from great, the fear of what can come next can be pretty overwhelming. Especially when the Yes campaign supplies scare stories about the NHS that are found to be untrue and seem so reticent to answer basic questions on currency. People aren’t asking these questions to be awkward, they just want to be fully informed about the decision they’re taking. We’ve heard lots about Westminster corruption over the years, but politicians are politicians the world over. It’s a lot to take on blind faith. Anyone who thinks an independent Scottish government would be a bastian of good-will and integrity is in for a shock. 

I genuinely don’t know. There’s a lot wrong with the UK, and under the SNP-governed Scottish Parliament there’s a lot wrong in Scotland too. I want to be brave and vote Yes, I want to have the courage of my convictions and sneer down my nose on Twitter at those voting No because they’re scared. But I know this – and this is, I guess what it comes down to. Right now, I can put food on my table. I can clothe my kids and they go off every day happy, to get a good education. That’s what I want to protect. Sneer at me, do whatever you want, but come September 18th I’ll be voting the way I think will be best for them.