T-minus 54

Just another quick one. 55 squats, 15 press ups & 20 crunches today. Other than the toasted cheese for supper food wise I was pretty good. Could really do with cutting out the bread though. Didn’t manage to get the bike carrier fitted to the car, will need to look out instructions for it, but I did get Ethan’s bike set up. Hopefully he’ll start going it soon, he definitely seems to be making a start, then we can all get out family bike rides. Gonna hit the gym on the way home from work tomorrow.

This got me going tonight (I was there)

Sponsor please 😀

T-minus 55

So, just a quick one tonight. Had a farewell Mars Bar earlier – it was rather good. To counteract this I did, again 50 squats, 10 crunches (not Crunchies)  10 press ups. Will up the stakes tomorrow. Didn’t manage my bike today – given that I finished work at 7am and was back in for 2 pm I think I have an excuse. Hope to get the bike rack fitted onto the back of the car tomorrow, that’ll mean I can go exciting places for a cycle. Woo!

Anyway, to spur me on with my squats etc. I went for this

And don’t forget to sponsor

T-minus 56

So, back around January time I think it was, I happened to mention on Twitter that I thought maybe I may have a notion to do the Pedal for Scotland charity bike ride. How hard can it be I thought, it’s only 47 miles. And it’s in September, 9 months to train. As is the way of it on t’internet my notion gathered momentum pretty darn quickly, resulting in a handful of us signing up for this. And so #cyclegang was born. Yup, complete with the requisite Twitter hashtag. Still, like I said, 9 months. No biggie.

Except, now there’s only 8 weeks. Halfway through July, 8th September is only 56 days away and I’m still mulling over the fact that really, unless I want to die, I should really pull my finger out.

Which leads me nicely onto this. This, meaning my blog. See, last year I gave up smoking. One of my biggest support tools was social media, I posted (some may say spammed) regularly my progress and knowing that it was out there, for the whole world to read, spurred me on. I’ve really lacked motivation with my training for this and, if I’m really going to do this properly it’s gonna take more than just riding my bike a bit more often. I’m getting onward to around 20 stone – not quite there yet, but heading that way – having put on about 2-3 stone since coming off the fags. So in addition to heading out on my bike I really need to start eating healthily, giving up the takeaways, sweet, Irn Bru etc as well as using the gym membership I’ve used about 3 times in six months. Also, it’s 47 miles. I’m gonna need some padded shorts.

Anyway, my plan is to update this daily as far as possible. Nothing long and laborious, just a wee update. I hope some of you find it interesting, maybe some will have advice and want to offer support. What I do hope is that you do spare a pound or two and sponsor us here.

As a wee starter, today I did 50 squats, 10 press-ups & 10 crunches. Given my weight & current humpty-dumpty body shape even little bits like that are hard going. Little bit of AC/DC helped me on my way though.